Echelon Care is committed to establishing therapeutic relationships both with families, and other providers that share a similar passion for promoting the future of children. At all times the children's best interest are our top priority. We believe in empowering the consumers and their families, giving them tools that can last them for a lifetime. We recognize that with children it is necessary to teach them to become disinterested in old negative habits and excited about new healthy habits and ideas. This process is one that we are familiar with, and one that we teach utilizing the most recent and successful evidenced based practices. Among our goals is to teach a child that by approaching and looking at life and decisions through a different perspective, they will increase their opportunities for success.

Core Values
Echelon Care has now acquired both a 3yr CARF and CABHA (Critical Access Behavioral Health Agency) certification.This accomplishment is awarded only to organizations that embody and exemplify the highest of consistency in quality and standards. These standards are recognized nationally, and speak to the level of professionalism implemented by the organization. In addition, Echelon Care maintains a valued, respected relationship with its local LME, Mecklenburg County. Echelon Care works consistently with the LME to make sure that the consumers that have qualified for services remain the priority, and more importantly, that they are consistently being provided with the highest quality service available.
Making A Difference
Respecting Confidentiality, Encouraging Consumer Input, Professionalism, Continuing Education
What we do:
Echelon's Residential Counseling Program promotes and provides youth and families with supported opportunities for growth and change. The residential counseling program provides individual, family, and group counseling for adolescents and their families. Services are empirically-based, using current research models with adolescents and families.
We provide:
Assistance with assessing and overcoming gang activity
Screening/Assessment for substance use & mental health
Coordinated medical treatment services & psychiatric evaluation
Individual mental health/substance use counseling, relapse prevention, aftercare/recovery
Coordinated educational/vocational services
LINK/Family Mediation
Parent Education
Provide successful control of Anger Management, Physical/Verbal aggression
Enhance Academic Improvement